"These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye may have peace. In the world ye have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." -John 16:33 (ESV) These are Jesus' own words here. He is speaking to our frail human side, to strengthen us and to teach us how and what to focus on while we walk out this life.
To many times we are distracted by what is going on in the world. However Jesus reminds us we need to keep our eye on Him and His ultimate example. He faced many trials and tribulations in this world. He had a people who rejected Him, disciples who were confused about where He was going, and they were more concerned about who was going to sit on His right side and His left. He had a priesthood who were plotting to kill Him. He had an empire, which was becoming increasingly more unsettled by His following. He had a man on his board of advisors who was stealing money and secretly planning to betray Him. And He was on the assassination list of hell. No one else faced as much tribulation as Jesus while working on earth.
Yet His story doesn’t end there. He was crucified and buried, but He arose on the third day with all power in His hand. So not only did He tell us, but He should us by example what we should expect.
We will always face tribulations in this world during this
life. However, we will overcome the things
of this world. If we remain focused on
Him and His Word, and not this world, then we will have peace, for as He said;
the words He spoke to us were so we can have peace. Today, read His word, so you too can have
This is so true, in society today, we tend to be attracted to fearful things and drama, it gets most of the attention. I love the bible verse Phil 4:8 and I try to incorporate that verse into my daily life, and give my worries or concerns over to God. It's not easy but it is possible!