Monday, September 2, 2013

Moses' Eighth Complaint: Go Back And Believe Where You Once Did Not

Moses and Aaron have done as God commanded, spoken to Pharaoh, yet the promise has not been fulfilled.  Israel is still in bondage. To add "insult to injury" they are now tasked with delivering the same number of bricks, however not given straw as before, making their servanthood unaccomplishable.  Often times, when God gives us a directive, it will get worse before it gets better.

The children of Israel have rebelled, and come against Moses and Aaron. Moses has rebelled and gone back to God in frustration and anger. Then God simply tells Moses to do just want He commissioned from the beginning; "Go in, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, that he let the children of Israel go out of his land." 

The very objection Moses had on the backside of the mountain, God recalls Him to the same task again. Why? Moses never overcame the challenge in his mind, of having enough faith in God, to know He could make it come to pass. If God commands us to do it, He will equip us to achieve it. 

Notice also, it was not up to Moses to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt, but simply to speak unto Pharaoh on God's behalf. God made this so easy for Moses, He even went as far to make Moses as a god unto Pharaoh. The Egyptians had a polytheistic society; they believed in many gods. They feared and referenced each one. This meant Pharaoh would hear Moses' words. He didn't actually need Aaron. But God wanted Moses to see and understand this for himself.  He was trying to build Moses' faith in this area.

What thing did we not believe God for, and now He has brought you back to the same place. Are you now face with the objection you gave Him initially? Will you be overcome by faith or excuses? Can you believe it possible, that which you once could not see happening? 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Moses' Sixth Complaint: Patience, Timing, and Listening To People

God has called Moses. God has shown Himself and His strength to Moses. God has sent Moses help at his request. God has even told Moses how things will go. Yet, when Moses begins to listen to people, his faith in God waivers. 

Prior to this, Moses had no problem standing up to the heads of Israel. He even spoke directly and boldly in the face of the most powerful ruler in the world. He made demands, in the face of death, and didn't think for a second his demands would not be given unto him. Then he does like all of us when things don't go the way we believe they should go for us, he started listening to the people. 

God says no flesh will glory in His presence. He is a jealous God, and will have no thing before Him. He also desires to prove to us how strong and capable He is to handle any and all of our situations. 

If we are commissioned by God, then we simply need to speak His Word. Then allow Him to preform it, in His time, and in His way.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Moses' Fifth Complaint: Disbleive

Even tho God told Moses He would be with his mouth and teach him what to say, Moses operated in a lack of faith.  God pointed out to Moses who had made man's mouth and all a man can do. Yet Moses, in total doubt of God's Word, while standing in His presence and power, still insisted God send someone with him.

Doubting the Word of God is a lack of Faith! It is also known as stubbornness, and rebellion against God. This action causes us to loose the very blessing God intended for us.

The anger of God was hot against Moses.  God could have raise up someone else, used someone else, or appointed someone who would take His Word and do what He said.  however He still chose to use Moses.  

God will still have His way.  The question is will He be angry toward you, or will you simply trust and believe?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Moses' Third Complaint: Lack Of Power And Ability

Moses was complaining about the lack of power to convince people he was divinely called.  When he delivered this complaint, God took the very thing Moses had been carrying with him for 40 years and began to show Moses how all the things he had gone through were not without a purpose.

Often times this is the same for us. God has called us and commissioned us.  Then He sends us, but we don't feel we have what it takes to accomplish the job. God then shows us, the very things we have been carrying, the hurt, the pain, the situations which drove us to the brink of self-destruction, are the very things He will us to show us He is with us.   

God is letting us know, what you have gone through, what you are going through, and what you will go through, is all apart of His divine plan for you. You are well equipped to handle the task set before you. And God is with you throughout every situation. You will win if you don't quit!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Moses' Fourth Complaint Not Believing Fully In God

Moses stated he was not eloquent, saying he had slow speech and a slow tongue. Imagine this imagery. Here Moses was raised in the Egyptian Palace. All knew he was a Hebrew baby, yet he was still given the finest of training, education, and various material things. There was nothing he could not ask for, nor anything denied of him. He would have even been in line to inherit the throne. Yet, his complaint to God was he did not believe he could speak well enough?  

We often come up with a meaningless excuse when we are afraid and 
uncertain.  Moses was afraid to return to Egypt.  After all when he left, there was a bounty on his head. This was reasonable. However his uncertainty was wrong.  He was did not fully trust God could do what He said He would do. This is called unbelief.  

Unbelief will not only rob you of the things God has promised you, but in allowing it to take up residence, you in essence say "God, I know you can do many things, but You are not able to do this.  This may be to big for You." 

We must never forget God is the creator of all things. He was here before the beginning and He will be here after the ending. He is God and above Him there is no other. Our God is an awesome God who runs stratospheres and hemispheres, galaxies and dominions! He is more than able to handle any small impediment you may feel you have.

Its time we realize just how big our God really is!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Moses' Second Complaint "Who is God?"

"Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say to them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is His name? what shall I say unto them? -Exodus 3:13

At this point, God had already revealed Himself to Moses, and he believed in God Jehovah. However the children of Israel were not privy to this encounter. They had not experienced a "burning bush" encounter as of yet. Living among the Egyptians, who had a polytheistic society, one which had many gods and a name for each one, Moses anticipated they would ask his God's name.  

God responds in His true splendor and glorious nature, "I AM THAT I AM" or the EVER-present and Living One. God established He is the God of right now. Then, He reaches back to the beginning to show He is the God of the past when things started; "Thus you shall say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you".  He also reaches into eternity future, showing it will be Him until the end of time; "this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

God is clearly the God of all. He was and is and is to come. Since He created all things, and without Him nothing was made that was made, He can handle any task He calls us to do. We just need to know Him

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Moses Complaint of Self

When God began to call Moses and give him the divine instructions which would set the children of Israel free from Egypt, Moses did what most of us do; first he questioned himself.

Exodus 3:11 Moses says, "Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?" Modesty is good, however it cannot be carried to the point of no confidence. When God asks you to do something, do you go so far as to doubt it can be accomplished, solely based upon what you perceive to be your own inadequacies?

God gave Moses reassurance, and doubled it with a future promise. Verse twelve says, "Certainly I will be with thee, and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain." God told Moses, I will certainly be with you, and once you have completed this assignment, and you have gone through the test and trial of patience, perseverance, and allowing me to work in my time not yours, then as the task comes to a close, I will remind you of this very moment when I called you and gave you these instructions.

God will call us to do things which will require His help; which are too big for us to do by ourselves. He will also empower us to accomplish the task at hand. This is how we know it is God. We will need to have patience while awaiting His perfect timing of the task's fulfillment. Perseverance not to give up, even if we don't see or feel as if progress is being made. And then watch Him bring us full circle and quietly tap us on the shoulder to say, "Now that it is accomplished, remember when I told you it would come to pass?"

LORD, when you call us to a task, let us not lack confidence, let us understand some degree of uncertainty is expected, for if we could accomplish the task, we would not need You. Your desire is to show us how mighty You are, how much You love us, and for us to know You will go to any length to set us free.  Even when it looks as if nothing is coming to pass, this does not mean You are not at work or have forgotten about us. Thank You, LORD, for after the patience, perseverance and endurance, You gently remind us, it was You who were with us all along.  Thank You, for showing us how to fully trust in You!

Monday, July 29, 2013

11 Complaints of Moses

Exodus 3 begins to give us a clear understanding of how Moses went from a could have been, to being the Servant Leader, God called him to be unto the children of Israel.  However in the midst of this awesome calling, Moses still had flaws.  He presented to God a series of eleven complaints while walking out his calling.  

Eleven.  One past the number Ten, which is the number of law and order, government and restoration. One short of the number twelve, the number of Divine government, Apostolic Fullness.  The number eleven means incompleteness, disorganization, and disintegration.  

These eleven complaints, begin to show us in our own lives, the very reasons for us not moving forward with God, and patterns of why we fail to fully manifest what He has spoken to us and declared would come to pass in our lives. 

My quest is to present to you, what He has and is showing me, by simply walking through these complaints.  Let's begin to recognize them for what they are: Nothing in the presence of our LORD!

Let the journey of our calling, begin!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Coming To Dry Up

In Exodus 3:1, the Bible tells us "Moses came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb."  This had me wondering, how can the mountain of God, be also known as "horeb" which means to dry up?

Let's return to the "beginnings", meaning Genesis chapter 1, we see in verse 2, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  Here, we know the earth was covered by water, because of the sin of the pre-Adamic fall of Lucifer and his host of angels.  God judged them with destruction of their habitat. The method He used was a complete and total devastating flood, which destroyed all things, even vegetation, unlike the 382 days of Noah's flood, which did not destroy all. As the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, it began to "dry up" the devastation which had taken place in Genesis 1:1. Then God had to speak forth new life, however in Noah's flood, He simply pushed back the waters, which fulfilled His divine purpose, so the life which was there all along could be exposed. Now we understand why "Moses came to the Mount of God, even to Horeb."  God was beginning to move upon Moses to "dry up" the devastation in the lives of His people so He could expose the life which was already there.

Think about this in your life. You get off course and sin. The LORD sends judgement, which overcomes you and submerges all in which you had and lived. Your world is "underwater". However it doesn't destroy you totally. In the process of time, He sends His Spirit to you, and begins to move upon your circumstances to recede the "flood" of judgement in your life, thus bringing forth new life in you once again. He does not have to speak you back into life, for you were never totally destroyed, only covered in His divine purpose.   

If you feel as if you have been covered in a flood of devastation  and see all you have lived in before has been washed away, maybe the LORD is about to dry you up, restore you, and bring life back to you. All you need do is turn aside and see His great light.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Complaining Or Questioning Your Purpose

Once God revealed Himself unto Moses, Moses came forward with eleven complaints as to why not... Eleven. The number of incompleteness, disorganization, and disintegration. 

It had to be this way, for Moses, in his human self, was incomplete. He needed God. He was disorganized, for his direction and purpose were not clear. And talk about disintegration. He had come apart at the seams. Murdering a man, and then attempting to cover up the crime? And to go one step further He ran from, instead of owning up to his mistakes? 

Often times we are just like this. We are incomplete. We are disorganized and do not have our focus on God or what He has created us to do. You were not created to only work a job, and fill your life with material things. We are created for a purpose and can accomplish it through him.  

Are you complaining, or asking Him "what is my purpose?"

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Returning To The Thing You Cast Off

When Moses cast his staff upon the ground, and it became a symbol of evil, Moses fled from it. However God sent him back to it. Not for it to hurt him, but to show Moses, he now had power over it.

The thing you have carried, harbored, leaned upon, and has weighed you down, you may see as a symbol of evil, pain and regret. But God will send you back to the very thing you try to flee from. Why? He wants to show you, how you now have power over it. Now you can pick it up. And now you can take it and go help set others free!

Will you trust Him, to use what you have carried and ran from?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cast That Thing

Exodus 4:3 "And He said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it."

The very thing which Moses had been carrying all his life, unbeknownst to him, had become consecrated. God revealed Himself and showed Moses, He had been with him all along. Then He basically told Moses, "I know what you have, and I know what you carry." Then He commanded Moses to release it.

When Moses casts his rod upon the ground, it became a serpent, or a symbol of evil. This is why Moses fled from before it, for the bible instructs us to "Flee from evil".

When you release what you have, under God's direction, it will often appear to be evil. You may feel the pain trying to come back, the fear of loosing again, or even the bitter shame of admitting a past failure. However God has a plan. The question is do you trust Him, or what you see?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What You Have Carried With You

Exodus 4:2 "And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand, and he said, a rod."

Moses had a rod in his hand. We think of it as a walking stick, something to help him keep his balance. But the thing he carried was so much more, even before God revealed Himself to Moses, and showed him miracles, He was using the thing Moses carried to stabilize Moses' life in Him.

You see Moses was familiar with his rod. A shepherds rod was used to guide sheep, ward off predators  and to stabilize the shepherds walk over rocky ground. He leaned on it when he was weary and ran with it when he was happy. It was always with him, during good and bad times. All shepherds had one. All shepherds carried one. However, when God revealed Himself to Moses, the thing he carried, which seemed so common, became mighty in the hands of God. All Moses had to do was give it to Him and let Him use it.

What is it you have been carrying for a while? Maybe its the divorce you never wanted and the secret shame which goes with it? Maybe its the guilt you carry of an aborted child? Or perhaps its the secret addiction to pornography, drugs, or alcohol? Maybe its an temper, which is more explosive than dynamite? Whatever it is, you have carried it long enough. Its time to use it to fight off predators, guide others who come after you, and to stabilize you over rocky ground. Its time to give it unto God, and let Him work miracles with it!

Monday, July 15, 2013

What Is In Thine Hand?

Exodus 4:2 shows us how God was with Moses, prior to sending him out to accomplish a great work.  The previous events of Moses' life would suggest he was a has been and a failure.  He should have been living in the most wealthiest nations land. He should have been eating the best of the nations food. He should have been next in line to the throne.  He should have been Pharaoh in Egypt. Yet here he is on the back side of a desert, up a mountain, where it is cold and lonely, surrounded by no one, but sheep, and only carrying a stick.  No earthly riches to speak of, and food which was scarce at best. No royal seat to sit upon, and his title, "King of the Sheep?" 
Yet God still chose him. Not only did He choose Moses, God took what He had, and used it.

God asked him, "What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod." 
This rod became the catalyst to many miracles in Egypt and in the wilderness of Sinai.  Every account we have of Moses, he is using his rod, to preform miracles, direct armies, and parting seas to create clear passages for God's people.  

What do you have, which you believe is only for "tending sheep"?  Maybe God has a plan for your "rod" too?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Some Revelation On Grace

"And hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." - 1 Peter 1:13

We currently live in the Dispensation of Grace. This is the time of Our Saviour, the defeat of Satan, and the establishment and empowerment of the Church.  Our test is the Obedience of Faith.  The purpose is to call the people of God to Himself.  This is done through the means of Preaching of the Cross by men.  Our failures come when we disobey the commandments of Faith, and loose track of the fact God has it all under control. Judgement comes in the form of God's wrath being poured out upon us. But here lies the Grace of God, for in Jesus' precious Blood, which was shed for you and I, God gives us Grace (unmerited favor) so we don't have to  experience His wrath, but rather receive His love. No matter what we do, He will still sees us as His innocent children, because of the price Jesus paid.

Understanding the tremendous price which Jesus paid for you and I, is the best thing you will ever do!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Coming Together For What We Need

Differences are good.  It allows us to perform at our best yet still within the range of what the accomplishing the overall goal.

However the distinctiveness of our differences cannot be so different that you violate the groups purpose. You must learn to take your unique talent and use it within the confines of the group to produce oneness, even in the masses. 

Let us learn to embrace the subtle differences in each other, and still seek to see the LORD's face together, so His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  We cannot get from heaven, what we want from heaven, if we cant make the right sound in the earth.

Friday, July 12, 2013

After Strife, Come Together

If you read the story of Jesus, and then proceed into the Acts chapters 1 and 2, you begin to understand the Apostles had strife.  The 12 have been reduced to 11, because one had a different agenda. Then, the bible records, to replace Judas Iscariot, they drew straws. You don't draw straws if everyone is in agreement, or there are no other choices. 

Before the Holy Spirit was able to come, they had to settle their differences and come together.  They went back to what Christ had taught them via the scriptures concerning the number twelve.  They re-established His order, then waited for Him to empower them.

I wonder what would happen if we, after strife or division, would follow His set-forth pattern, come into agreement according to His Word, and wait for Him to empower us in our lives?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Living Sober

1 Peter 1:13 tells us to, "be sober".  This does not speak simply of being under the influence of alcohol, but rather being intoxicated with the things of this world. The word sober could be better translated as "not sleep" or "being indifferent" and "careless". 

Think of a person whom you have seen intoxicated.  They often sit by, as if not concerned about things which are happening around them.  Then at a certain point they rise up, only to find their legs are not under them. Down they go, flat on their face.  

Often times we as Christians become intoxicated with the events which happen around us. We sit by as if nothing is happening. We don't read our bibles, pray, or studying our Word. We allow situations in our lives to just pass us by, then when things get to out of control, we try to rise up, only to find our legs are not under us, and we fall under the weight of the situation.

Its time we stop sitting idly by, begin to wake from our slumber, and live sober, non-careless lives! Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Buck Up!

BUCK UP! Yes the Bible tells us to "BUCK UP!" 1 Peter 1:13 says, "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind..."  It calls us to stand up and to take courage in the face of trials which we are called to endure in our life time. 

This means no more complaining about what so and so we lost this and that...or even why this person or that person didn't love us the way we should have been loved. This also goes for financial downfalls, divorce, and even bouts of depression. This command holds true to every situation which we deem, "didn't go our way" and we find way to grumble and regress into any form, which does not take on the form of a Child of God.

Today, begin to know the trials only come to make you stronger. Grow in your faith in Him, and not in how far you can stick out your bottom lip!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Two Commands, Three Blessings

"My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee."- Proverbs 3:1-2

Here we see two commands.  1) "Forget not my Law". This assumes we take time to learn His law or commandments.  How to govern ourselves in everyday life situations, whether someone is watching or not.  It takes into our account to make decisions based upon His Word and not our feelings or emotions.  2) "Let thine heart keep my commandments". The very thing which drives us, and gives us reason to do what we do, expecting a certain outcome, this is where He wants to reside.  He wants us to be governed by His commandments, for He already has an expected end for us.

We also have three blessings. 1) Length of days.  This is both time and enjoyment. We will find delight in Him no matter what the day holds. 2) Long Life.  All life is brief, however by keeping His commandments, we will fill fulfilled and accomplished in the time we have here on earth, no matter the number of days we are allotted.  3)  Peace. This peace will allow you to rest in the midst of your storm.  To find comfort in your times of trouble. It will also allow you to give guidance to others as they travel life's treacherous highways. 

What law of God can you learn and remember today? What command of His can you bind upon your heart?  Are you willing to do the work, to reap the reward of the three blessings?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How Well Do You Hear?

Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."  We understand this to mean we need to hear the Word of God.  And often we use this to justify why people should go to church.  But look closely, there is a comma there, conveying another deeper, richer spiritual truth.

You see, yes we need to gain faith from hearing, or understanding the Word of God.  So what’s the second part?  To see this we must become blind physically.

What do I mean? The time we rely on hearing is not when things are perfectly clear but rather when things are foggy, grey, or even pitch black.  In these times we must be able to hear, using our Spiritual ears to hear our Shepherd, Jesus directing us to His side!

How well do you hear?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Peace With God

There is a big difference between the Peace OF God and the Peace WITH God.  You see Peace of God surpasses all understanding. It makes going through the storms of life, manageable and keeps us from mental failure causing us to commit suicide and even murder (both physically and verbally). The Peace OF God was given to us freely by Jesus.

But the Peace WITH God was costly!  Jesus paid the price of reconciliation, when He went to the Cross, to bring us back into right standing with God so He would no longer judge us in our sins. Jesus went through tremendous pain, agony and total separation from God the Father, the very death we should have encountered, so we could have the right to the Tree of Life. 

Now when God looks at man, He sees His Son, Jesus, and His love sacrifice for us, and God gives us peace with Him, instead of anger and wrath. 

If you don't know you have this Peace, contact me right now! 214 725 9962

Peace Of God

John 14:27 records Jesus saying, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."  He left wit us HIS peace. Did you ever see Jesus in a panic?  Stressed about money? Worried about a job? No. Why?  Because He had the Peace of God.  So if He left us His peace, why are we in such disarray?

Maybe we don't really know Him and the power of His Resurrection  Maybe we need to read and learn His Word more? Maybe we need to pray more?  Or maybe we need to start?

Today I challenge you to move closer to Him, and watch all your fears and anxieties begin to fade away!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Touch Us LORD

We sing the song, we cry out sometimes in agony, grief or pain.  We even sometimes seek it in all the wrong places.  But when it comes down to it, only God can give it to us!

So how do we get it?  If you remember Jesus told the disciples if He didn't go away, the Comforter could not come.  Acts 2 records the story of the Holy Ghost setting up His earthly reign.   In the third verse we see how we get the touch.  It says, "...and it sat upon each of them."  Here is our answer, we must allow the Holy Ghost to sit on us!

When we feel all alone, Holy Ghost Sit on us!  When we feel like stepping out on our marriage, Holy Ghost sit on us!  When life gets tough and we feel as if we can't go on, Holy Ghost sit on us!

We must learn to let God touch us through His Comfort agent and give us the touch we need from heaven.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

What To Do First

Judges 1 begins to tell us how the children of Israel slipped away from God. Then, like all of us, began to realize they were missing something in there lives.  So they called upon the LORD for direction and He gave it to them.  Their instruction comes in Judges 1:2, "...and Judah shall go up first..."  What can we take away from this?  Judah means Praise.  The LORD told them, start out with your praise, and you will see I have already given you the victory!

If you find yourself in a situation, and you know you have strayed away from God.  He will welcome you back and restore unto you all He desired for you, all you have to do is begin to Praise Him!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Its Time To Return

Often times, when we have been away from the LORD, we are not sure where to start when we want to change our life ways, and go after what He had purposed for our lives before hand. If you have strayed away from Him, and find yourself looking around, wondering how to begin cleaning up the mess you have made, its interesting to note, the bible gives us a real life witness!

Judges 1:1 begins to tell us how after Joshua had died, "...there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes." (17:6)  This shows us apostasy which simply means abandoning religious faith or the abandonment of original loyalty.  They strayed away from God.

However the men were smart enough to figure out, nothing they were doing was working, and they needed to return to God.  Does this sound like your life or an area of your life now? The Bible says "they asked the LORD..."  Do you need to go to Him for direction today?  You will be surprised how quickly He will answer you!

What We Long For

In Genesis One, we see "In the beginning, GOD....."  This tells us from the beginning, He was.  As we proceed through the remaking of the earth after the fall of Satan, we see God spoke things into existence.  Look at vs 3, "And God said, let there be..." vs 6, "And God said, let there be..."  vs 9, "And God said, let there be..." and so on until we get to vs 26, "And God said, let us make man..." Did you miss it?  Man was the first thing God touched. He loved us so much even before we were created He wanted to be intimately connected with us.  But then then in chapter 3 man sins, and looses touch with the Father, and we have been missing His touch ever since.

The thing you search for is Him. Not a spouse, not a friend, not a parent who is MIA, not a job, not a title, not a degree, not an association, nothing, but His touch!

Reach out to Him, ask Him, "Father touch me once again.  Help me to understand its Your Love I am missing and needing, which will make it all alright!"  And watch Him reach out and touch you, and you will never be the same again!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Your Sin Is Worse Than My Sin

We often look at ourselves and justify our actions because they are not "as bad" as someone else's. For instance, lying is not as bad as committing murder, right? Well the Word of God does not distinguish between degrees of sin. It calls all sin, sin!

David was one who had his share of struggles and setbacks in various ways of sin.  I am convinced God never liked sin David committed. However, David had a heart which allowed him to recognize his ways, and to cry out to God asking forgiveness.  In Psalms 73:22 David recounts these words:  So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee."  He could take a moment, pause, and understand he had done wrong.

Can you look over your life and understand how much God dislikes the sins you have committed, or will you continue to judge others for what you perceive to be a "worse sin"?

Monday, June 10, 2013

Know Who You Are In Him

Did you know Jesus never let the fear of being rejected, manipulate Him into being someone He was not in God? Yes pressure to live up to others standard of what they think you should be, will always be prominent on today's society.  However, God, through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, gives us understanding, boldness, and power in who we are in Him.

I use to try and please everyone.  I used to try to make everyone happy. I would often find myself deficient in areas I needed, trying to be something I was not, to someone who cared not.  This was because I was not sure in who I was in Him.  Then He gave me His comforter, and by His Spirit, He gave me understanding.  I no longer have to please everyone. I simply need to please Him.

No one can please everyone.  Not even God.  So why are you trying to do this?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jesus Knew who He Was!

Jesus had no doubt who He was. He declares it in John 8:12. "I am the light of the world. If you follow me you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life." (NLT)

When we know who He is, and who He is in us, then and only then can we begin to know who we are in Him.  For in Him we move, live and have our being. 

Have you begun the journey of knowing who He is?  If so, how is your progress? What can you do each day to further know Him better?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Why do you..?

I have been asked, "Why do you spend so much time studying?" "Why do you not watch more TV, or how can you not be up on the latest sporting news?"  My answer will often confuse some, and bewilder others.  But to me its quite simple.

I use to give myself wholeheartedly to drinking, smoking cigars, and just making Brian happy.  But then something happened.  It wasn't just the situations, although they helped push me in the direction He was sending me. It wasn't just the loneliness, but I've realized I was lonely even when I was out with friends.  It wasn't just the lack, because I was lacking every true sustaining Word of life God had for me.  It was God who use all these things and more to get my attention, or really it took all these things to get my attention because I was just quite simply that hard-headed.

But then He touched me, and Oh the joy, that floods my soul.  For something happened.  What is it you ask?  I moved from religion, to Relationship with the Father.  When you get one, you will find, nothing else matters too.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Grudge Holder, Grace Receiver, Fear Overcomer

The bible has many triumphant stories of overcoming fear. Some we tend to overlook the depth of them, because we see it from the end backward, and fail to see when they went through the circumstance it was just like us, from where we are into the unknown.  

Even in Genesis Chapter 4 when Cain murders Able, Cain does ask God if his sin was to great for Him to forgive?  God not only forgave Cain, but also placed a seal on him so he and everyone else would know God was with Him.  

Look closely, God sent Cain out into the world, among all the perils it had, and instructed Cain to trust Him that His seal was protection enough for Cain's life.  Cain, by his own account was in fear for his life from every man he could encounter, however he was to trust God fully for the protection of his life. Even tho Cain had sinned, God, in perfect Love, gave Cain the courage to go forth and build a city, turned nothing into a productive place to sustain life and community.  Here is a man who could have feared at every corner he turned, yet found the courage in God's perfect Love, to encounter people after he once feared every man, and to work with them to build a city.

Just think of the amount of trust in God and God's perfect Love Cain must have had.  If God will do this for a former murderer, one who thumbed his finger in the face of God, one who had messed up in his ways, won't he do the same and more for you, one who says LORD, help my unbelief!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Grudge Holder?

In Genesis 4 we find our first encounter with murder.  The Bible says Cain rose up and slew his brother Able in the field.  He did this because Cain was holding a grudge.  A grudge because his offering or sacrifice unto the LORD was not acceptable unto God, while Able's was.

Often we find ourselves holding a grudge against someone.  When this arises in our spirit, we need to learn to go to God and ask Him to show us why we fill the way we do.  God gave Cain room to repent.  Cain's response was one of of being flippant and not one of humility.  He wagged his finger in the face of God, instead of asking God for mercy, and forgiveness.  Asking God to show him where and how he messed up, and how he could correct his behavior.  Instead he murdered the one person who could have helped him come back to God.

What grudges are you holding?  How is your attitude about it?  Have you asked God to show you why you feel the way you do after His chastisement  or have you wagged your finger in the face of God, and even murdered others with your words?

Grace Receiver?

In Genesis Chapter 4 we see a Grudge Keeper, however we also see a Grace Receiver.  Cain holds a grudge against his brother because of his own improper offering and sacrifice. He does not come to God in humbleness, and humility to understand his wrong actions and seek God's guidance in His way and not Cains way.

God comes to Cain and tries to reason with him.  He tries to get Cain to humble himself and approach the LORD with reverence, understanding He has set an order and a proper way.  But Cain would have nothing of it and eventually winds up murdering his brother.  But then something miraculous happens. Even tho Cain has messed up, then not sought God in humility, but rather rises up and murders his brother, God still gives him GRACE.  He was still a Grace receiver!  I wonder if he ever finally understood this or did he live the rest of his life in condemnation and guilt?

I stopped by today to tell you, it doesn't matter what you have done, or where you have been, God's Grace is sufficient  and His mercy endures forever!  Won't you stop holding onto condemnation and guilt, and begin to walk in His Grace today?  After all He died so you could live!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Plan For Restoration Part 4

In the Pre-Adamic world, God had set up all things here on earth.  Then the rebellion of Satan and one-third of the angels caused God to pronounce judgment and cover the earth with water.  When the LORD decided to restore the earth, He returned to earth, when He sent His Spirit to hover over the earth.  He rebuilt what was destroyed, as He said, “Let there be…” He reestablished His laws, which keep things in perfect balance by instructing Adam what to do to maintain the Garden.  Finally, He rested.

Does this mean He sat back and did nothing?  Does this mean He is no longer involved in the affairs of our lives?  Does this mean man is free to do whatever he wants?  No.  It means God does what it takes to insure things function according to what He returned to, rebuilt, and reestablished as His law.  He moves in and out through circumstances and actions to make sure His will is carried out in our lives.  He knows according to what He has put in motion, His perfect will, shall be done in our lives.

Once you have returned, rebuilt, and reestablished, you must rest.  Rest in knowing if you follow His laws, then His perfect will shall be done in your life.  Does this mean you sit back and do nothing?  No.  This means you spend more time learning about Him, so you may more closely reflect His ways.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Plan For Restoration Part 3

When we begin to move away from God, we leave things, which were in order, unattended.  Unlike God, when we establish something, if left unattended, the laws governing what we established are soon broken down and eradicated.  We must reestablish things being done God’s way.

The Bible gives us clear examples of how to go about this.  After returning to Him, and starting to rebuild the relationship and time with Him we have let go, we must start to reestablish His laws in our daily lives.  Begin doing things His way, putting Him first in all things, and following His guidance and direction, will begin our reestablishing of the LORD as GOD of our lives!

Will you reestablish Him as the only God in your life today?

The Plan for Restoration Part 2

Once we have returned to working out after a long lay off, we often find we have lost a considerable amount of strength and body muscle.  It’s not as easy, or nearly impossible for us to do what we use to do.  The weight seems heavier, the running distance we are able to cover seems shorter, and our endurance is less.  It takes time to rebuild our conditioning back to where we were prior to moving away from working out.  However if we continue to work at it, it will come back to us soon.  And we will be rebuilt back up as before.

The same is true with God.  In His plan for Restoration for us, after we Return to Him, we must start to Rebuild.  Because we have been away from Him, the process will seem heavier.  It will appear you will never get to the end.  And you will often feel like quitting because your strength will not endure as long as it use to.  However if we continue to work at it, He will come back to us, and help us rebuild all we have lost.