Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Beginning The Path To The Greatest

Yesterday we talked about not becoming the greatest we could become. Anytime something is created and then not used for the exact purpose it was created, it ceases to become the greatest it could be.  A car is not at its greatest if it only sits in a driveway.  A light never shines if it is not turned on.  You will never be at your best, unless you turn to God and find out why you were created.

1 Peter 2:25 says, “For ye were as sheep, going astray: but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.”  Since we are not only a body living a life, but rather a soul walking out a walk, we must turn back to God, the creator of our soul, and find out what He created us to be and to do.  Through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our path to the Father has been made clear.  The bridge has been reconnected and we can travel this highway whenever we want.

How do we do this you ask?  No thing is created without a manual.  And you have been given a manual also.  The Bible is our manual to know what God desires for our lives.  However if we never read it, how can we expect to know how to properly operate this soul, in the body we have been given?

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