Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Not Really Working Out

I was helping a friend move recently.  They told me their friend worked out regularly and would be more than able to handle the items to be moved.

During the move, I heard the LORD say, “Pace yourself”.  As we proceeded on it became clear two loads were not going to get this move done.  The other person helping us, who claimed he worked out on a regular basis, began to wane fast.  It was obvious his conditioning was not where he had claimed it to be.

Then the LORD spoke and said, “How many of My people say they love Me, say they read their bible and attend church, give to the poor, say they want a closer walk with Me, and the like, only to find themselves quickly fading away when the task requires a bit more effort?” 

Today I ask, “Are you a believer in word only, or do you have the conditioning to take it all the way.”

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