Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Are You Being Dated?

When a man wants to date a woman, he often looks for ways to impress her.  His desire is to show her how strong he is, and how he can help her, provide for her needs, and take care of her no matter what obstacles arise in her life.  Often men will look at women who are having problems, as a way to show them just how much of a man they really are.

God does the same thing.  He often allows us to have problems to show us He can provide for our needs, how strong He is, and to show us He can take care of us no matter the obstacles, which arise in our lives.

In Exodus, God said, “Let my people go so they may worship my in the wilderness.”  Understand this, He led them into the wilderness, one of the most trying places for life in the world. They didn’t even know where their next meal would come from.  It was not to punish Israel, but rather to show them how strong He was, that He could provide for their needs, and He could help them overcome any obstacles in their way.  God wanted to date Israel.

Today before you complain about how you have it so rough.  Before you throw the pity party of what you need, and before you focus more upon the obstacles, which have risen in your life, ask yourself, is God trying to date me?  He just may want to show you just how strong He is truly.

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