Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The LORD, speaking to me

I have placed orders for a few items and when they arrived today, I wanted to open them and see them quickly as because I was excited about their arrival. I was opening the packages today and using a pocket knife which is very sentimental and dear to me.  It is razor sharp and though it looks old and beat up it carries a lot of weight with me.   As I looked through the boxes and all the packages, I was well pleased with my selection. I put them away and moved onto my next task.  Little did I realize I had cut myself ever so slightly on the finger.  Blood was everywhere.  All over my hand, the boxes, my clothes and even the floor.  

Why do I share this with you?  Well, the LORD spoke to me saying, "I too had something which was very dear to me.  My Son.  He too was cut (wounded) and His blood was spilled out everywhere and His blood left no thing untouched.  But He was not trying to get into the package, but rather to get the package out to you!  His blood spill was more messy so that you could be made thoroughly cleaned in HIM.

LORD, as You continue to reveal Yourself to me in such marvelous ways, I pause to say, Thank You, LORD for all You did for me.  It didn't start at the Cross, but rather at the first shedding of blood before the foundations of the world (Genesis 1).  And thank You for the Package of packages, the gift of YOU, fully to me!

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