This ever happen to you? I bet it has. Whether you were the one stopping or the one in the ravine, we have all driven into a storm. Such is life. Here is what God showed me.
I set out, knowing I was headed into a storm, but I declared to my family and friends my GOD was all powerful and He would protect me!
Even though my progress was hindered in my travels, I still felt compelled to help those in worse situations along the way. It was no longer about when I would get there, but that we would ALL get there at some point.
What if we knew we were headed into a storm of life? Well we do, the Bible says, "I send you out as sheep amongst wolves" Matthew 10:16. Now if that's not a storm, then what is? What if we learned to not be so concerned with "self" and became more concerned with the whole reaching the destination? "Brethern if any of you is caught in a fault, you who are Spiritual (stronger at the time) go to him and help restore him (so he may be with ME in the end) Galatians 6:1
Now I know what you are thinking, "Brian, it just isn't that clean and dry cut!" ANd maybe I am reading my bible wrong but it says, "Come unto me all you who are heavily laden and burdened and I will give you rest! Matthew 11:28 It also says, "Lo I am with you ALWAYS, even until the end of time." Matthew 28:20.
So what did the LORD say, which I feel He is speaking unto the body of Christ even now? "If you will simply know that I, the LORD, will see you through, and know I, the LORD am with you, and know there is nothing, I the LORD, cannot take care of, then you can face life's storms, and not fear, but know you will make it, if you just trust in ME!
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