Scripture Reference: Daniel 3
We are all familiar with the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: The three Hebrew slaves who were thrown into the fire for not bowing to King Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image which he had made. We know these three Hebrew slaves made up in their mind to serve the one and only true God and to follow His commandments and ordinances only. We know that God delivered them from such a hot furnace and not even a hair on their heads, a stitch on their coats was singed. We know King Nebuchadnezzar ma de a decree saying no one was able to speak ill of the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. It is a wonderful story of faith and of how God will deliver us if we put our total faith and trust in Him.
What is important also to note is though the King was amazed and found new reference for the LORD of lords, he simply “placed their God on the shelf with all his other gods”. In other words, he simply added God to the collection of gods he already had.
Has our God proven Himself to you in some way? Maybe it was by sustaining you. Maybe it was in placing His hand between you and the car in the accident. It may have been His covering you so you would not get that disease you should have received from the person you slept with who was not your spouse. Maybe it was a miraculous feet, like the one of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Or maybe it was simply allowing you to survive to this point in your life. You know the very one you continue to complain about day after day!
God says, “How much love do I have to show you, before you turn to me fully? How many times must you walk around this mountain, before entering the Promised Land? When will I become the head of your life so I can give you the life I had planned for you?” He is waiting on you to make Him the only God of your life. To start adhering to all His commandments and to turn from what the world is telling you is ok, thereby making it “another god on the shelf.”
If you don’t know His commandments they are found in the Bible. Exodus 20 is a good start, but not the only ones. We must learn to stop running, breaking, marrying, and divorcing, lying, cheating, arguing, and hating. NONE of this is ok, and NONE of this can be accepted in any form to a Holy God.
Today seek His face and ask Him how you have failed, and to help you find the strength to return unto Him. He will then heal your land, (2 Chron 7:14) or He will then heal your lying tongue, your fornicating spirit, your divorcing desire and so much more. And you will find a God who gives us joy in sorrow, sunshine during rain, peace in chaos, and love in hate.
Won’t you turn totally to Him, today?
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