Sunday, October 21, 2012

No Other God's....

Now I already know I will loose a few people on this one, but I laid down my life to serve Christ.  I also love you all enough to state the truth, even if some don't want to hear it.

As we all know the Texas State Fair's icon, "Big Tex" went up in flames a few days ago.  The fire started in his neck, quickly consumed his head and body, and left only a skeleton frame and his hands.  Most people were shocked and dismayed.  And it was the talk of nearly everyone around.

Let's look at the day and days prior.  The day before people were invited to come wish "Big Tex" a "Happy 60th Birthday" and they came by the bus loads to partake in a celebration of the Fair's Icon.  Some even took off a day of work to make sure they were there.  They went to sleep early to be well rested, and researched all the sites to find the best discounts for entrance into the Fair that day.  Plans were to take a good amount of money, forget about our troubles and just go celebrate "Big Tex" in all his glory!

However a lot of the same people can't make it to church on Sunday.  Don't have to work on Sunday.  Cant get to bed early for they are out on Saturday night.  And lets face it, no research is done in our bible to find out what the God who made heaven and earth wants to say to those He truly loves! 

"But I, the LORD, am a jealous God....Tho shall have NO OTHER god's before ME!"  Somehow I can hear God saying, "OK so you wont listen to my Word, the I will show you who really is God!  The very next day, "Big Tex" was no more.

And why were the hands left?  "The LORD is known by His justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands.  Selah"  Psalm 9:16 (NIV)  "When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening." Isaiah 1:15 (NIV).  You see, man will not cease to work with his hands and try to be "God-like".  They are already talking about rebuilding "Big Tex" and most say they want him the same exact way he was.  And have you noticed in our country how we "pray" and nothing seems to happen?  We may want Gods help, but we want it our way.  This will never come together.

For me, I give myself FULLY to YOU, LORD.  I stand on YOUR side.  Let me ever have a thirst for YOU, and teach me Thy ways, even if YOU must break me again, until I become completely YOURS!

Desiring you to know the TRUTH for the TRUTH will set you free!

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