Friday, March 1, 2013

Living Sacrifice at the Altar

The Temple of Moses gives us wonderful insight to the reality of Christ and what He fulfilled in the natural.  However we must also look at the realities brought to view in our own lives, too.

One thing, which has stood out to me, was the Brazen Altar. This is where the sacrificial offering was place, and given to God as a symbol of something in us dying to further complete His will in us and in the earth and not our own.  The sacrifice was living, and tied to the Altar, so even if it want to move, it could not.

How does this relate to us in our lives now? We don’t have an altar to be tied to? Or do we? The Bible tells us to. “Present yourselves a Living Sacrifice, Holy and acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service” Romans 12. You know those things in your life, which bring you to a total stand still, and grieves you to your very soul? You know that child you just cant seem to get through too, or that marriage you are sick of, or that job you don’t want to go too? You prayed and prayed for a release on these things. You have plead the blood, tried casting out demons, poured oil, and it still wont get better. Its not a demon holding you to this, its God, tying you to His Altar and asking you to be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto Him, our reasonable service.

Today, instead of kicking and fighting to get away from your “altar”, why not fully submit to the will of God, and watch the sweet savor of His glory ascend from the depths of your soul?

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