Let's return to the "beginnings", meaning Genesis chapter 1, we see in verse 2, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Here, we know the earth was covered by water, because of the sin of the pre-Adamic fall of Lucifer and his host of angels. God judged them with destruction of their habitat. The method He used was a complete and total devastating flood, which destroyed all things, even vegetation, unlike the 382 days of Noah's flood, which did not destroy all. As the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, it began to "dry up" the devastation which had taken place in Genesis 1:1. Then God had to speak forth new life, however in Noah's flood, He simply pushed back the waters, which fulfilled His divine purpose, so the life which was there all along could be exposed. Now we understand why "Moses came to the Mount of God, even to Horeb." God was beginning to move upon Moses to "dry up" the devastation in the lives of His people so He could expose the life which was already there.
Think about this in your life. You get off course and sin. The LORD sends judgement, which overcomes you and submerges all in which you had and lived. Your world is "underwater". However it doesn't destroy you totally. In the process of time, He sends His Spirit to you, and begins to move upon your circumstances to recede the "flood" of judgement in your life, thus bringing forth new life in you once again. He does not have to speak you back into life, for you were never totally destroyed, only covered in His divine purpose.
If you feel as if you have been covered in a flood of devastation and see all you have lived in before has been washed away, maybe the LORD is about to dry you up, restore you, and bring life back to you. All you need do is turn aside and see His great light.
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