So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase (1 Cor. 3:6-7).
In talking with some people these last few weeks, I have had some ask me, “Are you trying to fix me?” My answer is quite simply, “NO.” For what I have found is that I am not the “Fixer”, nor am can I do the “fixing”.
We go about our daily lives trying to “fix-it”. Fix it for our children, “fix-it” for our spouse, “fix–it” for our family, “fix-it” for our friends, “fix-it” for our loved ones. However the truth of the matter is we cannot “fix-it” at all. In doing this we take God off the throne and place ourselves upon the throne. Heed His words, “Thou shalt have no other gods, before me.”
Our “job” is to “Let our light so shine before men”, or to “leave our burdens for Him and to take His burden upon us”, to “love thy neighbor as thy self.” But nowhere do I read that we are to “fix-it” for anyone. Its ok to want it for them, for that is what love does. For all those who are parents you know that when your kids were little you would take their food and cut it up into pieces for them so they would eat. You would do whatever it took to get it into their system, for you knew the nutritional value and life-saving, disease fighting, capabilities it had. But given all that, you still could not make them chew. But God did! So you planted, and watered, but God gave the increase.
Today take what you have learned in scripture, what God has created you to do, and look for the places where you are to water and to plant. Sometimes you may not know if you are watering or planting, but it matters not. Let your light so shine before men, let them see the G O D in you, and fulfill your destiny, in Jesus’ name!
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