Saturday, April 21, 2012


Scripture Refernces 1 Samuel 15-16

Rather than submit, Saul goes on a murdering rampage and starts killing everybody to cover up his own rebellious attitude.  A murdering Spirit does not necessarily mean you have to pick up a knife.  Some people can kill you with their tongue.  According to the book of James people can kill you with their tongues.  Just because you can’t get the position, you say something to try and get the other person removed from the position, not realizing that tearing him down does not put you into the position.  That’s a murdering spirit.  Saying things like, “She’s no good for him anyway.  Watch and see how she falls.”  That’s a murdering spirit.  A few more murdering spirits: gossiping and lying.
On the other side, why is Saul more comfortable with killing someone who had helped him, than killing Agag, who has tried to destroy him?  Isn’t it funny how people will treat better their enemies, than the ones who have helped them?
Also look at Cain, who would not kill a lamb, but thought nothing of killing his brother Abel.  He didn’t have the guts to kill a lamb but then had the nerve to get in God’s face and say, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
Samuel has to pull Agag out and hacks him to pieces for Saul would not.  The lesson here is to never let anyone else kill your devil.  If it’s your devil you do the killing. Don’t look for anybody to kill your devil. For anything you don’t kill, it will kill you.
Saul did not die on his sword.  He committed a slow suicide by progressing through these seven suicidal sins.  Ask yourself, “Which ones do I do, or am doing?” Are we on the road to suicide?

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