For so many years I was like an empty cup. Imagine a glass cup on a table that appears to have nothing in it. You would say that cup was empty. But actually even that cup is full. It is full of the air that surrounds it. In like manner I, being empty, was full of the things that surrounded me. Whether it was alcohol, sex, love of money, or any host of what I chased after, that cup was filled with those things. For what surrounds you, is what fills you, just like that empty cup on the table. Oh yeah, I was a Christian, had been saved, but I was filling my temple with things of the world and not with the things of God.
Then last year, as I began to surround myself with the Word of God, Christ started to pour into me His Living Water. As I began to read the Bible more, to study His ways and pray to the One Living God, spending my time surrounding myself with Him, and discarding those things that use to fill me up, I began to get filled on the inside. People could not see inside the glass and would tell me that I was still lost, or that they thought I was not real or worse yet that the God who was filling me was not real. But I knew different because I could drink from my cup and I could taste and see that the LORD was good!
As He continued to pour into me His Spirit, my cup continued to fill. The more He poured, the more I continued to surround myself with Him. Soon my cup started to run over! People started to notice and say, “Hey, there is really something different about you!” As He filled me with His Spirit and His Love, and it overflowed out of my cup, it began to run onto others and spill into their empty cup. Now they are being filled and they can taste and see that the LORD is good!
Now I get it LORD. I understand why David said, “My cup runneth over.” (Psalm 23:5) Now I understand why You said, “I will pour out my Spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.” (Proverbs 1:23) And now we enter the days when You, O LORD, prophesied and said, “I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh.” (Acts 2:17)
The filling of my empty cup was not only for me, but for my family and for those whom He sends unto me. The LORD wants to fill your emptiness, won’t you come and Taste and see how good the Living Water of the LORD is today? For He is good and His mercy endures FOREVER!
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