Sunday, April 15, 2012


EGO: where image is everything.  When Saul could not repent, and had lost the kingdom, or basically admit that it was over, and that he had messed up, he says, I know I have lost the kingdom but for the sake of the people walk out here with me and let’s fake like we are worshiping the LORD.  Let me just act like I am right with God.  I am just going to go to church and go through the motions even though I am not serious about God.
Saul did not want the people to worship God; he wanted the people to worship him. How could Saul be king for 20 years and not use his power to go after the Ark of the Covenant?  Instead of desiring the presence of God, Saul was only interested in the position. Saul wanted the position, without the presence of God. 
Saul’s ego killed him!  God never said because of what he did that he had to die.  He only had to lose his position.  But because his ego was more important than anything, it led to his death and the death of his sons too.  All of his sons and grandsons, except for Mephibosheth, died. Egotistical, self-enthroned men are murderers.  Women, be careful of being led by a mad-man.  Woe be to the woman whose man will not submit to God, especially when he has erred.  The Bible teaches us to submit our entire being to God’s commandments.  Men, an egotistical woman is the most dangerous thing a man can have for the bible says a woman is to be a help meet.  Woe be unto the man whose help meet is trying to kill him, or so bent on competing with him, instead of complimenting him. 
Saul didn’t have to die.  It wasn’t his sword that killed him.  He died on his egotistical attitude. He died because looking good to people was more important to him than looking good to God.  And when it is  more important to look good to people rather than God, you will begin to commit, MURDER. 

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