There are three different accounts of Jesus healing men of blindness, but all in different ways. They each had the same condition, an inability to see; so why not heal them in the same manner? Is our Heavenly Father trying to show us something; a deeper truth in view of him?
The first example is clear. The blind beggar, Bartimaeus, who sat by the way on the road to Jericho, cried out for Jesus to heal him. In this case, Jesus simply spoke, "Your faith have saved you", and he was healed. Mark 10:45-47
The second example, Jesus takes the man by the hand, and leads him out of the city. Once they reach a certain place, then Jesus spits on his eyes. He then proceeds to ask the man what does he see? The man's response? "I see men like trees..." This is the only place where Jesus prays for a man more than once. Then Jesus lays His hands upon the man's eyes and his vision is fully restored with no more obstructions or obscurities.
The third example in in Jerusalem. Jesus heals a man by spitting on the ground and making mud. He then places the mud over the man's eyes and instructs Him to, "Go was in the pool of Siloam". Once the man had done this, he then could see clearly.
When a person is blind, their entire world is dark. They cannot see light. Which brings us back to scripture. More than once Jesus is referred to as "the Light of the world". Matthew 4:16 says, "The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death, Light was dawned." 2 Corinthians 4:6 reads, "For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shown in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." These all point to Jesus. Could this be the project of salvation being taught here?
Bartimaeus needed light and speaks to someone needing Jesus in their life. This is when we receive new life and Spiritual Light from Christ, the moment we believe.
The blind man being led out of the city speaks to the sanctification process; the gradual separation from worldly things (the city). It is not instantaneous but rather a journey to be embarked upon daily. With Jesus leading the way, as our Shepherd, He brings us into all truth and understanding. New believers will often times look at new things from their old perspective, hence seeing men as trees. When we still harbor worldly practices, it takes time to see things from Christ's point of view, or what grieves the Holy Spirit.
The third story covers the evangelistic aspect of our salvation. We are the dirt. With spit, the water from the mouth of Jesus, we are use to carry the Word of hope to others. We are like the clay vessels in Jeremiah 18. Jesus use this clay or mud as His project.
We need Jesus to enable us to first see the Light. Then to grow in understanding of what we see, Jesus must gradually diminish our human light, and increase His light in us. And finally we are to show forth His Light, as we tell others of how He has been so good unto us.
Let's begin to see people in these different stages of Light and recognize instead of criticize. For we all need Him to remove our blindness in His way!
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