Today I needed a word in my Spirit. I don’t know about you, but everything is not terrific in my life. I still have many struggles, bouts, and despairs. There are times when I feel all alone and that the pain will never end. Am I the only one?
But thank the LORD that I was afflicted a few years back, or how else would I know what to do? You see God does not take us through trial, heartache and pain for nor reason. He is desperately trying to teach us that HE is our source, HE is our provider, and HE is our comforter. No one else will do.
So in my affliction, I called upon the LORD, I sought Him in my heart. And like a true Father, He came and reminded me of what He has spent a lifetime teaching me.
Below is a song I learned in church while I was a youth. The choir would sing this and I heard it so much that it is still with me today. Thank you, Moms, for making me attend church and exposing me to teaching that would one day comfort my soul.
And if that were not good enough, for Him to put a song back into my spirit, He also reminded me of the words He taught me throughout the years and especially last year. Psalm 34, for anyone facing heartache and pain, exemplifies what we should keep at the forefront of our minds when trials come.
So today, early in the morning, Father I declare to my situation, “I Feel Like Going On” and I will, as you have taught me, I will “Come to You, and listen to You, for You will teach me Your awesomeness and love for me. I love life, and I desire to see good, many days. So I obey Your command and I will keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking lies. Today I purpose to turn from evil and do good in ALL that I do, and I seek peace will all, and I pursue it with all my might” Psalm 34:11-14
I feel like going on. Though trials come on every hand, I feel like going on
I feel like going on. Though trials come on every hand, I feel like going on