God has called Moses. God has shown Himself and His strength to Moses. God has sent Moses help at his request. God has even told Moses how things will go. Yet, when Moses begins to listen to people, his faith in God waivers.
Prior to this, Moses had no problem standing up to the heads of Israel. He even spoke directly and boldly in the face of the most powerful ruler in the world. He made demands, in the face of death, and didn't think for a second his demands would not be given unto him. Then he does like all of us when things don't go the way we believe they should go for us, he started listening to the people.
God says no flesh will glory in His presence. He is a jealous God, and will have no thing before Him. He also desires to prove to us how strong and capable He is to handle any and all of our situations.
If we are commissioned by God, then we simply need to speak His Word. Then allow Him to preform it, in His time, and in His way.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Moses' Fifth Complaint: Disbleive
Even tho God told Moses He would be with his mouth and teach him what to say, Moses operated in a lack of faith. God pointed out to Moses who had made man's mouth and all a man can do. Yet Moses, in total doubt of God's Word, while standing in His presence and power, still insisted God send someone with him.
Doubting the Word of God is a lack of Faith! It is also known as stubbornness, and rebellion against God. This action causes us to loose the very blessing God intended for us.
The anger of God was hot against Moses. God could have raise up someone else, used someone else, or appointed someone who would take His Word and do what He said. however He still chose to use Moses.
God will still have His way. The question is will He be angry toward you, or will you simply trust and believe?
Doubting the Word of God is a lack of Faith! It is also known as stubbornness, and rebellion against God. This action causes us to loose the very blessing God intended for us.
The anger of God was hot against Moses. God could have raise up someone else, used someone else, or appointed someone who would take His Word and do what He said. however He still chose to use Moses.
God will still have His way. The question is will He be angry toward you, or will you simply trust and believe?
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Moses' Third Complaint: Lack Of Power And Ability
Moses was complaining about the lack of power to convince people he was divinely called. When he delivered this complaint, God took the very thing Moses had been carrying with him for 40 years and began to show Moses how all the things he had gone through were not without a purpose.
Often times this is the same for us. God has called us and commissioned us. Then He sends us, but we don't feel we have what it takes to accomplish the job. God then shows us, the very things we have been carrying, the hurt, the pain, the situations which drove us to the brink of self-destruction, are the very things He will us to show us He is with us.
God is letting us know, what you have gone through, what you are going through, and what you will go through, is all apart of His divine plan for you. You are well equipped to handle the task set before you. And God is with you throughout every situation. You will win if you don't quit!
Often times this is the same for us. God has called us and commissioned us. Then He sends us, but we don't feel we have what it takes to accomplish the job. God then shows us, the very things we have been carrying, the hurt, the pain, the situations which drove us to the brink of self-destruction, are the very things He will us to show us He is with us.
God is letting us know, what you have gone through, what you are going through, and what you will go through, is all apart of His divine plan for you. You are well equipped to handle the task set before you. And God is with you throughout every situation. You will win if you don't quit!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Moses' Fourth Complaint Not Believing Fully In God
Moses stated he was not eloquent, saying he had slow speech and a slow tongue. Imagine this imagery. Here Moses was raised in the Egyptian Palace. All knew he was a Hebrew baby, yet he was still given the finest of training, education, and various material things. There was nothing he could not ask for, nor anything denied of him. He would have even been in line to inherit the throne. Yet, his complaint to God was he did not believe he could speak well enough?
We often come up with a meaningless excuse when we are afraid and uncertain. Moses was afraid to return to Egypt. After all when he left, there was a bounty on his head. This was reasonable. However his uncertainty was wrong. He was did not fully trust God could do what He said He would do. This is called unbelief.
We often come up with a meaningless excuse when we are afraid and uncertain. Moses was afraid to return to Egypt. After all when he left, there was a bounty on his head. This was reasonable. However his uncertainty was wrong. He was did not fully trust God could do what He said He would do. This is called unbelief.
Unbelief will not only rob you of the things God has promised you, but in allowing it to take up residence, you in essence say "God, I know you can do many things, but You are not able to do this. This may be to big for You."
We must never forget God is the creator of all things. He was here before the beginning and He will be here after the ending. He is God and above Him there is no other. Our God is an awesome God who runs stratospheres and hemispheres, galaxies and dominions! He is more than able to handle any small impediment you may feel you have.
Its time we realize just how big our God really is!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Moses' Second Complaint "Who is God?"
"Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say to them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is His name? what shall I say unto them? -Exodus 3:13
At this point, God had already revealed Himself to Moses, and he believed in God Jehovah. However the children of Israel were not privy to this encounter. They had not experienced a "burning bush" encounter as of yet. Living among the Egyptians, who had a polytheistic society, one which had many gods and a name for each one, Moses anticipated they would ask his God's name.
God responds in His true splendor and glorious nature, "I AM THAT I AM" or the EVER-present and Living One. God established He is the God of right now. Then, He reaches back to the beginning to show He is the God of the past when things started; "Thus you shall say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you". He also reaches into eternity future, showing it will be Him until the end of time; "this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
God is clearly the God of all. He was and is and is to come. Since He created all things, and without Him nothing was made that was made, He can handle any task He calls us to do. We just need to know Him
At this point, God had already revealed Himself to Moses, and he believed in God Jehovah. However the children of Israel were not privy to this encounter. They had not experienced a "burning bush" encounter as of yet. Living among the Egyptians, who had a polytheistic society, one which had many gods and a name for each one, Moses anticipated they would ask his God's name.
God responds in His true splendor and glorious nature, "I AM THAT I AM" or the EVER-present and Living One. God established He is the God of right now. Then, He reaches back to the beginning to show He is the God of the past when things started; "Thus you shall say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you". He also reaches into eternity future, showing it will be Him until the end of time; "this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
God is clearly the God of all. He was and is and is to come. Since He created all things, and without Him nothing was made that was made, He can handle any task He calls us to do. We just need to know Him
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