Exodus 3:11 Moses says, "Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?" Modesty is good, however it cannot be carried to the point of no confidence. When God asks you to do something, do you go so far as to doubt it can be accomplished, solely based upon what you perceive to be your own inadequacies?
God gave Moses reassurance, and doubled it with a future promise. Verse twelve says, "Certainly I will be with thee, and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain." God told Moses, I will certainly be with you, and once you have completed this assignment, and you have gone through the test and trial of patience, perseverance, and allowing me to work in my time not yours, then as the task comes to a close, I will remind you of this very moment when I called you and gave you these instructions.
God will call us to do things which will require His help; which are too big for us to do by ourselves. He will also empower us to accomplish the task at hand. This is how we know it is God. We will need to have patience while awaiting His perfect timing of the task's fulfillment. Perseverance not to give up, even if we don't see or feel as if progress is being made. And then watch Him bring us full circle and quietly tap us on the shoulder to say, "Now that it is accomplished, remember when I told you it would come to pass?"
LORD, when you call us to a task, let us not lack confidence, let us understand some degree of uncertainty is expected, for if we could accomplish the task, we would not need You. Your desire is to show us how mighty You are, how much You love us, and for us to know You will go to any length to set us free. Even when it looks as if nothing is coming to pass, this does not mean You are not at work or have forgotten about us. Thank You, LORD, for after the patience, perseverance and endurance, You gently remind us, it was You who were with us all along. Thank You, for showing us how to fully trust in You!