Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Moving God

While studying the Temple of Moses, and specifically the Ark of the Covenant, I learned it was made with four rings and staves were made to put through the rings. This was done so the Ark of the Covenant could be moved as the Children of Israel went through the wilderness. 

What does this teach us? This lets us know our God is a Movement, not a Monument. He is ever moving, ever flowing, always with us, no matte where we go. It was David who said, “Where can I go from your Spirit? 
Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; 
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.” Psalm 139:7-9.  Our God is ever present, ever going and all encompassing to fulfill our every need!

However He wants you and I to take Him with us where ever we go.  The Psalmist taught us, “I have hidden thy Word in my heart so I will not sin against You” Psalm 119:11.  Take time today, even if its just one verse, and begin to hide His Word in your heart. Make it part of your fiber so you life it out. Then you too, will pick up the staves, so you can take our moving God with you!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What Are You Prepared To Do?

In my last blog, I talked about the Israelites fight against Adoni-Bezek, a Canaanite king.  There are many morsels to glean from this recorded story in the bible, and it is worth further examination.

The name Adoni-Bezek has a very significant meaning.  The first, Adoni, means lord or master and is somewhat similar to the word ba’al.  Bezek comes from a mostly unused Hebrew root, which exists as a verb in Aramaic where it means to scatter. So hence he was known as the lord of the scatter.

The reason it was significant the Israelites go up to depose him first after Joshua died?  God wanted to show them, He was taking away the giant in their lives that had done nothing but scatter them and their household.  What “lord” has been in your life, “scattering” your blessing, your finances, your marriage, your children, your resource?

The Word of the LORD is clear, “ And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm…” Joel 2:25

But it won’t just come and fall into your lap.  You will have to fight for it! What are you prepared to do? 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Is God Pleading With Your Heart?

Judges 1:1-7 tells us the story of the Israelites first fight after Joshua, their leader had died. They went against the Canaanites and in particular against a town named Bezek. The King of Bezek was named Adoni-Bezek. He was well known for cutting off the thumbs and great toes of the kings he beat and captured in battle. 

There are many interesting points in this story. The Bible offers us many views and insights to take and place into each of our lives with valuable lessons for all. One thing which really stood out to me, which I had not seen before was the fact when Adoni-Bezek was captured and the Children of Israel did unto him as he had done to three score and ten kings by removing his thumbs and great toes, he said, “Seventy kings with their thumbs and big toes cut off used to gather scraps under my table; as I have done, so God has repaid me.” Notice he was a Canaanite king. They were a polytheistic society and did not recognize the LORD Jehovah as the One and only Living God. Yet somehow his first words were a giving of homage to a God he did not worship or recognize.

Why is this? Somewhere in his life, the LORD Jehovah, had obviously made some pleas to his heart for him to turn from his wicked ways. These pleas had obviously lsnded on deaf ears, and in turn calloused the heart of Adoni-Bezek until his opportunity to repent had vanished. He was taken to Jerusalem where he died. He was left, before the throne of the LORD Jehovah, without a friend, a mediator, or intercessor to plead his cause. He had lived in ignorance or open indifference of one of the greatest principles of life and law. “Be ye not deceived, for God is not mocked. Whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth unto the flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption: but he that soweth unto the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” Galatians 6:7-8

Has the LORD Jehovah been pleading with you to return to church, become loving or more loving, forgiving, or even compassionate again? Be not deceived God is not mocked and we don’t know when our time will run out!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

50 Days of 2013

I posted this to my Facebook family today.  Thought I would share it with the rest of the family too.

To all my real Bible scholars:  Understand today is the 50th day of 2013.  Fifty. Penta. Where we get pentecost, the sealing of the year. On this day, pentecost, in Acts 2, we are shown it was the day the Holy Ghost descended upon the earth and took up His earthly reign.  Be mindful today, be watchful today, for those things you have sown in the first days of this year, God is about to send His SPirit to seal those things and set up His reign for your gain, In Jesus' name!

Set us on fire, Holy Ghost!

Friday, February 15, 2013

It won't hit us....

For the past week I have been watching the reports of the meteor known as 2012DA14, and have marveled at how man has said it would not hit the earth.  Today the meteor is passing by the earth at approximately 174,000 miles per hour.  Its projected path is to come up from the “south” then make a turn due to gravitational pull and move on past us.

However, as I have stated, we are not in control, GOD IS.  When I woke up this morning, the first report I saw was in Russia, a meteor has appeared in the sky, burst into pieces and shot fireballs through the sky.  Some of which have hit various places in Russia.  Thankfully, thus far, there have been no fatalities. 

What’s my point?  God is in control.  Not Man.  If you have not taken the time to get your life in line with His Word, there is no better time than the present.  For we truly control nothing, and only He knows when and where things will transpire!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love Moves

Today, we observe a holiday called Valentine’s Day.  It’s a day when people are to reaffirm, or at least tell a special person, I LOVE YOU.  But what goes farther than words?  Actions!

This morning my oldest daughter sent me a text and it said, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Daddy. I hope it’s the best day ever!!!!” Now this may not seem a big deal to you, however remember we are talking about a very young teenager here.  She took the time to go out of her way to reach out to me just to make sure I knew she loved me. She was telling me, “Daddy, I appreciate all that you do for me, in every way and for doing it every day. " this always makes me want to do more for her! It is an amazing thing when your child reaches out to you to tell you they love you back.  You know the pride we all take in that moment. Who knew a simple act of love could move one so much?

As adults, much more is required of us. We toil about our day often times struggling to accomplish the tasks set before us, only to find ourselves exhausted at the end of the day and seemingly to have made no real progress.  But we know if we keep going we will make it some day and be able to give to our children all that we desire them to have.  In like manner we must still remember we are God’s children.  He still wants to hear from us and to know we love Him also.  He wants to know all His efforts are appreciated.  He wants to know, “Do you love Me?”

Take the time, pause from your “busy” schedule, and tell the LORD, “I LOVE YOU” for Your ultimate sacrifice for me, so I could have a right to the Tree of Life!  You’ll  never know how far a simple act of love could move Him too!