Thursday, January 17, 2013

Christ Inside of Me

Recently I completed reading the Bible from cover to cover, and as I pondered what to study next, I could hear the LORD directing me to the Tabernacles.  I started with the Tabernacle of Moses and really began to pick apart all the intricacies and particulars and how they pointed to The New Testament Christ.  What I didn’t expect to see also was how much it pointed towards me.

What do I mean, Am I comparing myself to CHRIST?  Absolutely not.  However you cannot discover His heights, and not come to recognize you lowliness.  You cannot not experience His Glory and not feel your wretchedness.  You cannot be moved by His Love for you, and not be overwhelmed by your lack of a giving spirit, and desire to be so stubborn.  No studying Christ and His relationship to the Old Testament Tabernacles will clearly give you a better understanding of why we so desperately need Him.

So what am I to do with these new discoveries in my Spirit?  How do I combat the emptiness I feel inside?  Where do I find peace when my best just wasn’t good enough?  I believe the song-writer hit it “dead on the nail” when he penned the words to an old Hymn of the Church when he wrote, “At the Cross, At the Cross, Where I first saw the Light, and the burdens of my heart rolled away.  It was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day!”

Those words have never rung truer.  No words have resonated so deep in my soul.  Nothing has come close to reverberating in such a pulsating way as to create a rhythmic beat in my Spirit.  What is it you ask?  The Heartbeat of Jesus!

I challenge you today, to catch the beat.  Hear the sound of His rhythm.  Feel His heartbeat next to yours.  And you will see Him like you have never seen Him before.  Every sound will become a melody, every quiet moment a whisper of love in your ear.  Every situation, a chance for Him to show His strength, and every blessing an opportunity to reinforce the love He has for you.  Can you hear that?  Quiet yourself.  Listen.  Be still.  That which you feel, inside of you, the lub dub, lub dub, lub dub.  That’s Him, inside your heart, saying LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU!

(Side note:  After writing this I broke out into spontaneous praise!)

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