Monday, November 26, 2012


Scripture Reference:  "For God so loved the World...."  John 3:16

LORD, when I asked You to show me how Your heart feels, I didn’t expect this much pain.  My how You LOVE US ALL!  It has been a truly amazing ride.  I have learned to see people in a whole new way.  But now I have more questions. 

With the Season of Your birth upon us, I think about how things may have been when You wrapped Glory into human flesh and dwelt among us.  What ran through your mind when Mary was teaching You the One who knew All?  How did You feel seeing a lamb being led to the slaughter?  What did you think when You saw a prostitute offering to sell the body which You made?  Did You ever look at pensively at Your own arm while holding a clod of dirt?  Why would You choose me, knowing all my shortcomings and failures, and say, "I will go and be sacrificed for him!"  Why would You love me like this?

Then He told me: "The only thing that matters is LOVE!  Now that you know how I feel, go and LOVE like I loved you!"

LORD, I don’t know if I can do this, but I do know since You will go with me, I'm going!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Where do you stop searching for God?

Scripture Reference:  “After assembling all the chief priests and experts in the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. “In Bethlehem of Judea,” they said, “for it is written this way by the prophet.” Matthew 2:4-5
When the wise men came to Jerusalem, they were in search for “He who was born King!”  They were Gentiles; ones without the promises of God and outside of the blessing.  They, by the Jews, were considered heathen and unworthy to be accounted as an heir. However they were the only ones who noticed His star, and then took time to seek Him out.
When Herod asks the Priest “Where the child should be born”, they are quick to recite verse and scripture.  Yet their search for the Messiah ended there.  They did not look for Him.  They limited Him only to Scripture.  They relegated Him to only one method, and certainly not to the likes of these heathen men.
I wonder if we are not so far removed from these Priests’ thinking.  Do we only believe God will move in a certain way?  Believe He will only reveal Himself to “the sanctified”?  Does our search for Him end with the Scriptures? 
This Holiday Season, I challenge you to get outside your box, and see our God for All He is and wants to be in our lives!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dont limit me to how you met me!

Scripture Reference: Genesis 27:19 "Jacob said to his father, “I am Esau your firstborn. I have done as you told me. Please sit up and eat some of my game, so that you may give me your blessing.”

This is one of our first encounters of Jacobs’s character.  Although we were previously introduced to him in the bible, we get a real look into his make-up and fiber of who Jacob is in this scene.  Jacob has already gotten Esau to agree to give him his birthright.  But now we see, with guidance from his mother, he clearly defines his upbringing and teaching of being a "trickster".  Something he would wrestle with all of his life.

However as we progress through his life story, we see him begin to change after a true encounter with the LORD.  He not only was able to overcome his scandalous name and ways, but was able to impart to his children life lessons which would give birth to the destiny of the Jews and ultimately the linage of the Christ who died to save the world.

What if they would never had seen him as anything but a "trickster", even though he legitimately changed his life?  Did he still have struggles and wrestle back and forth during the remainder of his life?  Yes.  However he refused to be defined by his past and rather depended upon God for his future.  And you don’t hear of people in his life continuing to call him "trickster".  They moved beyond what he had done and look forward to what he was becoming.  By doing so they also received part in the blessing which would become Life-everlasting!

Who are you holding hostage according to their past?  Who has had a true life-altering experience with God and now look to make a new name for them in HIM?  Can you go where God is taking them and receive part of the blessing attached to them?  Or will you continue to hold them guilty and limit them by how you met them?

Monday, November 12, 2012

You must still do the work God called you to do!

Scripture Reference: Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:43

We know the story well. Three men hung on a tree.  A Cross.  Two executed.  One Sacrificed.  After the beating Jesus endured, after the plucking out of His beard, after the scourging, after the walk of shame through and out of the city to a hill far away, after the nails were driven into His hands and feet, after He was lifted up for all to see His shame, and after He continued to endure our ridicule, ONE thing held true!  Jesus was still about His Father's business.

What I am saying is no matter how rough, tough, and hard it seems.  No matter how much they talk about you, mock you and ridicule you, no matter how fastened you are to a cause which no one seems to understand, IF God sent you on it, you must remain about your Father's business!

 Will you continue to fight the good fight of Faith?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Are you STILL holding Tribunals?

Now some of you say, "That’s an odd question.  Nobody does tribunals anymore."  But I say we hold tribunals daily.

First let’s look at the word, tribunal.  This is where we try somebody before we love them!  If we are taking a stance on someone because of their race, gender, economic status, or by what we have "heard" about them, or simply assumed about them, or if what they do simply reminds you of YOUR past experiences and failures; do you automatically count them guilty of treason and deception against you, and "kill" them before you show them love?  Then you are guilty of holding tribunals!

Jesus said, "'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF."  Mark 12:31  If we can’t give people the benefit of a doubt, and at the very least, take the time to ask, help, and show them love (after all that is what changed you, Gods love that is!) then how can we truly say we love the LORD?

Take inventory today.  See where you may be guilty of holding tribunals, and ask Jesus to fill your heart today with HIS love.  Let's truly be made in HIS image!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Quick Thought

I send out a message to my kids each morning.  It involves a scripture with a quick word of encouragement.  It is one way I attempt to pour into them the Bread of Life from Heaven above!

Today the LORD put this one on my heart, but then He told me to share with my internet family too:

“People who think they are better than other people only cause trouble. But people who listen to the things other people tell them are wise.”
Proverbs 13:10

Let the LOVE of GOD show forth in you TODAY!  J

As adults however we must go one step further.  We must align every thought, word, and action against the Word of God, or you will be lead astray by what you perceive to be “your friends”.  How can you do that if you are not spending any time in not just reading but understanding your Bible? 

Today I beseech you brothers and sisters, to seek the LORD God with your whole heart.  Align every thought, word, and action up to His perfect Word, and cause yourself to walk in victory everyday of your life!