LORD, when I asked You to show me how Your heart feels, I didn’t expect this much pain. My how You LOVE US ALL! It has been a truly amazing ride. I have learned to see people in a whole new way. But now I have more questions.
With the Season of Your birth upon us, I think about how things may have been when You wrapped Glory into human flesh and dwelt among us. What ran through your mind when Mary was teaching You the One who knew All? How did You feel seeing a lamb being led to the slaughter? What did you think when You saw a prostitute offering to sell the body which You made? Did You ever look at pensively at Your own arm while holding a clod of dirt? Why would You choose me, knowing all my shortcomings and failures, and say, "I will go and be sacrificed for him!" Why would You love me like this?
Then He told me: "The only thing that matters is LOVE! Now that you know how I feel, go and LOVE like I loved you!"
LORD, I don’t know if I can do this, but I do know since You will go with me, I'm going!