Thursday, July 12, 2012

What are you prepared to do? Pt 1

Scripture Reference Luke 1:38 “And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the LORD; be it unto me according to thy word.  And the angel departed from her.”
We pick up our text as Mary has been visited by the angel of the LORD, Gabriel.  She has just been told that she is highly favored by God and that she will be with the child of the Most High God.  Most people would say, “What an honor it must have been to be her.”  But let’s examine this a bit more closely.
In biblical days the woman was given in marriage to a man, and she was to be a virgin.  Even Mary says in vs. 34, “how shall this be, seeing I know not a man?”  In those days, sex before marriage was not only forbidden, but would result in death by stoning.  So Mary’s “blessing” that we acclaim her to be so honored to have, put her in danger of losing her life and suffering a violent death for doing the will of God.    What is a blessing in the Spirit could mean death to her in the natural.  Are you willing to lay down everything you have planned out for your life, "Mary" (or you "Joseph")?  But without reservation, or second thought to her own personal well-being and safety, she says, “be it unto me according to thy word.”
What do you do when God comes in and asks you to give up every plan that you have made for your life?  What do you do when God interrupts you and requires something of you that could cause you death in the natural?  Do we think about what our friends would say, what people will think, or how we will look to the neighbors?  Or do we say, “behold, LORD, your servant; be it unto me according to thy word.”
The next time you hear God saying, return to that marriage, love that person that wronged you and forgive that person as I have forgiven you, or even do not as everyone else is doing but follow my commandments even when its not the popular thing to do; can we remember that when God gets ready to do something great in your life, He first asks you to give up all that YOU planned, and step out in faith in HIM!
What are you prepared to do?

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