Saturday, June 23, 2012

"Baby, You yet holdin' On?"

Scripture Reference James 1:2-4 “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing”

Upon further examination of this text in conjunction with different life events I have both seen and personally experienced, I have begun to understand that through the various trials and difficulties that we face, the LORD is trying to grow me up and take me from a state of immaturity to a state of walking perfect (mature) and upright before Him. (Gen 17:1).  Now you may be wondering how that would work?  Well let’s look once again to out perfect example: Christ.  He went through the most difficult of difficulties any one person could experience.  There was not a single weapon afforded the gates of hell, that was not launched upon our Savior’s head.  It became such a trial for Him that He cried out to the Father, “if it be thy will; take this cup from me” Mark 14:36. But Oh thank you LORD He then said, “Nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.”

You see He became obedient unto the cross, or to what God wanted, and laid down His own wants and desires.  I truly believe this gave Him the added power He needed to go not only to, but through the cross.  The cross represents your place of pain, agony, torment, abuse, chastisement, and crucifixion of our flesh.  The biggest trial you will ever deal with is the killing of your flesh.  The trial brings us in-line with not our will, but Thine will!

Our text goes on to tell us that through the trying of our faith will come patience and that patience will make us perfect.  How does that work and relate to us?  Again look at Christ.  He exhibited faith when he declared, “nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.”  He then had His patience worked, for they beat Him all night long.  Most of us are ready to give up if our situation beats us for five minutes.  Then after they beat Him all night long, they marched Him out of the city in a condition that the Bible declares” there is no beauty that we should desire him.” He was so beaten and bloody that He should have died on the whipping post. One scholar even tells us His entrails were hanging out! For some of us we quit there in our trial, and our entrails are not hanging out.  If that were not enough, the stretched Him wide and hung Him high, they pierced Him in His side and you know the rest of the story, He stayed upon the cross awaiting the time and hour that when it was finally finished, then and only then did He allow death to come, so that His resurrection would come to pass.  He had to wait until our sins were fully rested upon Him and in the Spirit for Him to remove them far from us, as far as the east is from the west.  He being fully God and fully human, yet it still took Him three hours to take them that far away from us.  This is the time the sun even hid its face for it could not even stand to look upon so much evil.

And He stayed to the glorious end.  And we know that He was then resurrected and made perfect in God, standing at His right hand, and there He sits interceding for me and for you to only receive the faith that He is with u,s as God was with Him in through His trial and proving once again to us that we shall be more than conquerors if we only have the faith, and the patience during our trials, that we shall be made perfect in Him, wanting nothing.

As the old folk use to say, “Baby, you yet holding on?” Or have you given up in the midst of the trial that has been brought by God to bring you into perfection with Him?

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