Scripture Reference Matthew 27:46 “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
We often look at this verse and I have even heard it explained in light that even Jesus had a moment of weakness. However that is simply not the case. To get to the real issue and true meaning of the text and therefore His words, we must take a further more in-depth understanding of who He was and is and what He came to do.
First He was and is The Messiah, The Creator of the universe, The Alpha and The Omega. As John records it, “All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.” John 1:3 He calmed the storms, He expressed the power of God on earth, He walked on water, became eyes to the blind, ears to the deaf, health to the sick, feet to the lame and mouth to the dumb. He was not a coward for He stood against the money changers and the Pharisees and Sadducees. He called them hypocrites that left the morally crippled, still crippled. Yet with all the miraculous splendor of a “Man from Galilee, He died a non-miraculous death.
As we know Jesus is our perfect example. Perfect and true, pure in all His ways, there was non-else like Him. Since we know we were created in His image and likeness, we begin to understand that there is normality on one side of us, but there is a miracle on the other side. And we must let the normal die in order to take hold of the supernatural.
Jesus and God’s relationship was unparalleled. He was one with the Father and the Father with Him. He also knew all things and was all things. You see Jesus’ question was not one of breakdown but one of breakthrough. He prayed to the Father, in essence, “Father, show me why I am going through this right now?” By placing His faith in the Father, The LORD showed Him three days into the future. At that point, He knew He had the victory, even though He had not yet received it. He then claimed the victory by faith, saying as recorded by John 19:30, “It is finished” and He gave up the ghost. Three days He spent gathering the three keys that were lost by the first man Adam’s fall: the key to the grave, the key to hell and the key to death. Jesus next ascended into Glory, with all power in His hands.
Jesus experienced the most pain and affliction any one person has ever endured, while He hung upon the cross. But yet instead of doubting or showing weakness of faith, He asked the Father to show Him the plan for His life and the reason why He had to suffer. And God, being ever faithful showed Him three days down the road.
There is a reason you are going through what you are going through. There is a reason you are experiencing the pain you are experiencing. Sometimes our hardest decision is to decide to let the natural die, so the supernatural can take hold. There must be a cross before there is a resurrection. So you might as well ask the Father, believing faithfully in Him, and He will show you why you are going through the pain you are experiencing right now. Then by faith will you be comforted into letting that thing in the natural die, so you can take hold of what God has in-store for you next!
Today, LORD, I submit fully to Your will.