Scripture Reference 1 Samuel 30:6 "And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God."
Does it ever seem like all hell is breaking loose in your life? Does it seem like everyone is out to kill you, even the people you have helped, lead, feed, and cared for their safety? You know the ones you love.
We pick up the text midway through the story. David has returned home only to find his home has been taken captive and all his loved ones led away by the enemy. The very men whom he has counted on, the same ones, who came to him, for he did not seek them out, but they came to him of their own free will, now talk of stoning him, as if he purposely had all of their loved-ones taken captive. I am sure David did not get up that morning and say to himself, “I wonder if I go out to battle, that the enemy will come in and take all that we have so I can make the people mad?” No, no. I doubt those were his intentions, but that is what happened.
When things go wrong, we always look for someone to blame. The term is called “scape-goat”. The lamb we often hear about, but the scape-goat we seldom talk about. A Scape-goat: someone who takes the blame, even though he did not really do the act of which he is accused. The men, who followed David, understandably are upset. All their loved ones have been taken captive and no one knows where they are at or to where they have been taken. “Someone has to be blamed! Someone has to pay! Its David’s fault! Let’s kill him, and inflict the pain upon him that he inflicted upon us!”
One problem, David did not inflict the pain. Oh yeah he may have help cause some of it, by going off to battle and not protecting the home front, but he never intentionally set out to cause his men and their loved one pain and heartache. And as the men looked around for a scape-goat, David looks up to God.
The Bible said, “David encouraged himself in the LORD…” Here’s the thing guys, and gals, if you don’t get anything else out of this text, you better get this, “David encouraged himself in the LORD…” Nobody knows what you need, like you do. Nobody knows how to give it to you, like you do. But there is only one place to get it. That is in the LORD!
“Come unto Me, ALL ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me: for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)
To whom are you running to?
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