Friday, April 26, 2013


Bishop Jakes taught on this once. He talked about the two men, one who build his house on sand and the other who dug down to the rock! This world is not suitable to build your "house" LIFE on! You need to dig down to the rock! How do you do that? READ YOUR BIBLE, LEARN OF HIM! Hid HIS Word in your heart, so in your day of trouble, you will have dug down to the Rock, and your "house" will stand!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Didnt appreciate the Gift

Have you ever had someone give you a gift, but you didn’t understand it?  Didn’t understand the time and energy they put into it?  Didn’t understand the research it took, passing over other gifts in their search, but realizing they were not perfect enough for you. Didn’t understand the planning and execution, which went into delivering the gift to you at the right time and place?  Didn’t understand just how much they love you to give you a gift such as this?  It makes the gift in your eyes, not of much value.

This is what God did for you and I.  He put in His time and energy.  He overlooked other gifts to bring you a perfect gift.  He planned and executed the perfect timing of His gift so it came to you at the right time and place.  He wanted to show you just how much He loves you.  But you don’t understand, because you don’t read your Bible.

Now it seems to me if someone loves you this much, you may want to find out what He did to give you this Gift!