Monday, December 17, 2012

"All they want is my Money!"

“You know, seems like every time I go there, all I hear is how they want my money.  How I should give what I spent a week or more slaving for, they want me to give all I can to them.  And what’s worse, after I do give them some, they have the nerve to ask for more!  Doesn’t anybody else give them their money?  What about Bob?  Didn’t he just buy a new car?  And how about Sally?  She is always going out somewhere.  Why can’t they ask for more of their money and leave me alone with mine?  I tell you if they say one more thing about my money, well I’m gonna….”

Does this sound familiar to you?  Have you maybe even uttered these words yourself about someone?  Well the fact of the matter is, this is a common sentiment.  I often encounter this from people who I am asking to join me.  But people always go and they always give their money, and sometimes even put some on a credit card!

Now I know what you are thinking, especially the Pastors, “Where and who are these people?”  Well you know them and you see them every day.  Matter of fact you may very well be one of them.  But you say, “I don’t even go to church!”  Well I wasn’t speaking of the Church, I was speaking of the local shopping places.

What?  Didn’t you notice how they are always asking for your money, even the last dime!  Heck they even ask you to put some on a brand new credit card, which they will give you for free!  The signs, the sales, even the way the store is laid out, all is intended to say one thing, “We want your money!”  But isn’t it odd how the only time we complain is when the church says, “Give the LORD what is His already”? 

LORD, during this gift-giving season, let us be mindful of the real reason for the Season.  Let us remember whose birthday it really is.  And let us first give you a gift, worthy of a KING!  

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